sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Price Of Omniscience

The Price Of Omniscience
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Wow. A vector wallpaper. Now that's something you haven't seen from me lately XD Yup, and I'm proud enough to say I finished it in just 2 days (a weekend)! Which is uber fast for me (friends know how slow I vector ^^") The idea for this came while I was browsing through old folders with pictures gathered from various sites. I came across this image and I knew I had to do something with it, the girl's stare was simply mesmerizing! After the Sola vector, I didn't think I could vector something else anytime soon, but it seems that I changed my mind!

I had been wanting to use a technique different from the ones I use, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to do something like this. I got inspiration from Anolibb's (from Minitokyo and Animepaper) wallpapers, which are all amazing! That can be seen on the flower, I added 3 types of shading to give it depth.

In the beginning, the girl wasn't even holding the flower, she was holding a hamster-like creature on her shoulder, and the flower was on her head, but I changed it. Hopefully, the flower doesn't look too weird! Of course, I had trouble on the background because I didn't know what to use. The original idea was a grunge one, but then I thought the clouds looked nice and the contrast was good, so I left it like that :)

Also, I learned a new vectoring technique, so expect more vectored wallpapers from me ;]
P.S. Thank you Kelsey for telling me her name :)

Gate Keepers Wallpapers
gate keepers, keiji gotoh, vector, yukino
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