Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) Why?

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Okies, another L wallpaper from me. ^^;; It's been a few weeks so I thought I'd make another. XD Some of you might be like, "NOooo...ANOTHER..." And some might be like, "Yippeee!!!" Anyhoo, this one was made similarly to 2 of my past Death Note wallpapers, just by using screen shots from the episodes (these were from episdoe 25). I wanted to make them look nostalgic...or, well, like an old photograph. ^^; Don't know if it turned out that way, but it did turn out grungy and texture-ful. I'm sure the text could've been changed, but I wanted some somewhere. I wanted some in the upper right part of the wallpaper...but I couldn't quite fit anything. Argh. So yeah, just effects, filters, PS texture and color overlays...erasing away stuff (with the snow drop flower brushes that you can see there) and using blur filters. The images were pretty small (oh, and thanks to Aya cause she was the one that took them for me XD) so it was hard to enlarge them and have them look not so blurry. ^^; Especially the one in the lower-right corner, darn it. I'm still not happy with that one...argh...well, yeah. I hope it's good enough!! Happy Thanksgiving to those that are celebrating it. :3 Be thankful you met L. He was thankful he met Light...I think...but anyhoo, this took over an hour (maybe?). I hope you like it!

Death Note Wallpapers
brown, dark, grunge, l, light, sad, tan, texture, why
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