Honey Kisaragi as she appeared in the 1970s Anime T.V. series adaptation of the Go Nagai manga classic "Cutey Honey" (which introduced the concept of manga/anime magical girls as superheroes). In making this wallpaper in paint program, I used line tool to outline the vertical rectangular border that would hold three scans from the anime selected for this pieces. After inserting the scans (which were first resized by use of the Microsoft photo editor), I colored the border with the fill-with-color tool using black, which would make the border look like a filmstrip. Next, I colored the rest of the wallpaper using the colors of Honey's civilian clothing from the classic anime itself (orange and beige). After finding a heart shape from google, I resized it with Microsoft Photo Editor and made 4 copies of it to position the corners in the orange-colored area. Last step, place the 1970s "cutey honey" anime logo in center of the orange-colored area. For all fans of "Cutey Honey" to enjoy!
stararnold (Wallpaper Portfolio) Honey Kisaragi
1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 12/12/07
- Category
- Cutey Honey Wallpapers
- Tags
- bishoujo, cutey honey, honey, kisaragi, sexy
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