Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Air-dreams

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Do you have a dream or something you really want to do and people tell you can't do it? That's not true because you can do anything you set your mind to. Everyday people have dreams coming true in some way shape or form. Can I tell you about my dream?
One of my dreams is to go to college to study art and get a career in art. I don't know what kind of art I would like to do but I just want to study it. I remember last year at Hoyt I had my schedule changed from creative writing to art. Creative writing just got so boring. I felt like I didn't belong. I'm sure there's people who can relate to that. Well anyway I went and saw my counselor and got my schedule changed to art because I was bored in creative writing. Miss Nelson selected a few students to be in that class and I was one of them. Most of the year it was okay but eventually it got very boring and redunant. I like to write but I like drawing even better. I hope someday I can become and artist of some kind. My goal right now is to go to college. I also want to complete Ragbrai which is a week long bike ride. I want to join the Dream Team so I can do that. We ride across Iowa for a whole week and there is alot of training rides between the time the Dream Team starts till the last week of July. It's supposed to be hard but I believe I can do it. Sometimes you have to overcome obsticles to achieve your dream. Some of them may be hard but in the end it's really worth it because you can look back and say "I did that".
This Air wallpaper is dedicated to Angel Zakuro who likes Air,Miss Allbee,Miss Nelson,Miss Nelson,Katie,My Mom,Pops,Emily Brown, Chelsea,April,and all the people who helped me to achieve my dreams and make me who I am. Hope you like the wallpaper.

Air Wallpapers
air, anime, dream, misuzu
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