Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) Golden Tapestry

Golden Tapestry
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Umm....don't ask! ^^; I had no clue what I was doing with this one...really...and there's no title or text on it at all. I had the title "La Corda D'Oro" on it diagonally over them...but, err, I wasn't happy with it. ^^; So yeah. It's just a texture-ful fun and light wallpaper. Totally not how it started out!! But don't you agree that they all look sexy in this?? XD I loved that pic of them...I've been reading the manga lately, and I really love it. Kazuki's my fave (the one furthest to the left). Jee, I've been making a lot more wallpapers with guys lately, haven't I? ^^ Is that bad? Also, a lot of yellows, browns, golds...creams...yeah. Those colors. XD I don't even like them that much! But look at my recent ones, all browns! O__o So this was just made with layers and layers...PS texture overlays and color overlays. Brushwork of course, too. I actually brought together two PNG's from aethereality. Ryotaro and Kazuki (the green haired guys) were one, and Len (blue) was another. At first, I was going to have a sky behind them...and make it more angelic like since they had those feathers floating around. ^^; Well, that obviously didn't happen! I duplicated their layers a couple times, overlay, and blurred...nothing too special. I don't know what else to say...this took a while though since I was SO indecisive with the title (which didn't even work out anyway!) I'm afraid it's TOO PLAIN...especially without any text. Sorry. Umm...I hope you like it!!! Happy new year! [felt weird putting "Jan 08" on there!]

La Corda D'Oro Wallpapers
guy, kazuki, la corda d'oro, len, ryotaro, sexy
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