Title: Watch Your Back (for I have arrived)
Request #2 from Thousand Shadows MP ^^ One more to go! This is my second YGO wallpaper ever, and it was quite difficult to find a scan to wall, because most scans on Minitokyo were from YGO GX -_- Anyway, I found this one and thought it would be good to illustrate the idea I had in mind (thank you for the description of Kaiba, Shadows ^^). I blurred Yami (is that his name?) in the background, so as to focus on Kaiba.
Anyway, I am very upset because I had made another version of this wallpaper and it looked awesome (from my point of view). Then, to top it off, Photoshop crashed and I lost everything! People, hear this from me, SAVE EVERYTHING! It's the best way to cope with situations like this >_>
I don't really know what else to add. I have the feeling this wallpaper seems of poorer quality than the rest. Well, the scan was very grainy, so I had to blur the image a lot. Not to mention I used 20+ layers (I usually keep them to the minimum). Hope you like how this came out, Shadows! ^^