Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) Falling Down

Falling Down
1024x768 | 800x600

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It feels like it's been a while since my last wallpaper...has it? Maybe a few days I guess...almost a week? I don't know. ^^; But I haven't made a Loveless one in a while, and I really wanted to. I've been reading the manga, and I adore it. I know not everyone likes Loveless, and that's ok...I made this wallpaper cause I LOVE this scan. Here's the original: It was a total pain to extract because the bg color was that purple and pink color...which really blended into Ritsuka's hair and the leaves as well!! So it took a lot of work to make the extraction look smooth! I hope it's ok. I wanted to keep the color scheme so I made the bg somewhat similar with a gradient and a light texture overlay. The rest was just brushwork overlays and layers! I used the PS leaves brush to create more of my own. XD I think that the left side of the wallpaper looks a bit busy...but I'm not sure. Is there too much?? that's basically it...I duplicated the scan's layer and blurred the top one a bit and changed the blending that made him look clearer. Then I made the title...well, "Loveless." I thought it looked cool with the text being really big...but I didn't know where to put it! So it's not quite at the bottom and not quite at the top or middle. ^^;; Is that ok? I've been down all day so it was nice to get a wallpaper done. I've been so stressed with school and everything...I didn't think I'd get time to make one, but I did! This took roughly an hour or so...and I'm happy with it. I didn't think it'd look so clear. XD I hope you like it!

Loveless Wallpapers
dark, fall, guy, loveless, purple, red, ritsuka
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