Title: One day...I will show you the sky!
That's the promise Yorito made to Matsuri (the girl on the left). Look for 'Sola' on Google and you'll see why ;) I had to do a wallpaper of Sola, it's such a beautiful anime!
This wasn't a too difficult wallpaper to do. I finished it in about 15 minutes, give or take 5 minutes. First off, the wide screen version is love; I strongly recommend it, since it contains an important part: the brush-texturing. This time I used some star brushes as textures. You couldn't even tell they were star brushes, right? XD
The colors look contrasting, don't they? Who knows my style knows I don't usually like to do contrasting wallpapers >.> The scan looked too gloomy, so I thought I could make it look more cheerful by adding some brown and red textures ^^
Thank you for viewing, downloading, favoring etc. But thank you most if you give feedback! ^^