Title: Phantom (I was going to put a dot after it, but I changed my mind)
Wide screen sucks. Go download the 1280x1024 version XD It looks best, even though I made it at a standard res (1600x1200). I made it for my own desktop, because I missed Layla :3 Guess that recent vector wasn't satisfying enough! I love this scan; I was going to vector it, when the only version available was a teeny-weeny one. Luckily, someone on AP uploaded a big version and I got it, walled it and will probably vector it, if I have the patience ^^
Tech rants: TEXTURES!! And stock images. Blurred, overlaid, soft-lighted (lol that's a new phrase XD). The scan wasn't 1600px wide, so I enlarged it, then applied a Surface Blur (or was it Smart Blur?) to it, to make it shiny :3 Hope it doesn't look like plastic :o That's the downside of that filter, it makes everything look plastic if you use it on its own. Oh, and I also used some cloud brushes in the upper left corner to add some contrast. Total: 20 layers. I also added a Lens Flare to the "crown", but I didn't make it too visible. There were some light rings around it, but they were lost amongst the textures, I guess o_O
Hm, I should be doing a vector wallpaper and 2-3 requests ^_^" *feels stalked* But I don't feel like it right now. I'm ill and have to take 3 different types of medicine! T_T But that doesn't connect to the wallie, so I'll just go away XD Thank you for viewing, commenting and/or downloading! *waves* Bye bye!