Title: I M A G I N A T I O N (spaces included)
If you like light, brushy, magic-y wallpapers, this is the one for you ^^ I made it because I wanted something not too loaded and with soft colors at the same time. And because I hadn't made simple, brushy walls in a while, this was the perfect opportunity for it! ^_^
It wasn't that easy to make as it looks. The water and the rays are made from scratch, and making the water was a new experience for me. I haven't tried it many times, but the tutorials on the internet aren't very good and I always end up with something not too water-looking -_-" Hear my words, this is the proper way to make anime water: take a small brush (20px or less, but no less than 15), with 70-80% opacity and draw random lines (like little kids draw ^^"). Then apply a Motion Blur to the layer (make sure it's set at a very high value, while keeping the lines visible). Next, duplicate this layer and set both layers' blending mode to Soft Light. Hopefully, you should get something satisfying ^^ Maybe I'll write a tutorial about it!
Well, this concludes this description ^_^ I'll make a tutorial for the rays as well, in case someone needs it. Both these tutorials can be found at my site: www.cornerofart.webs.com ^_^ Thank you for viewing, commenting, downloading and/or adding to favorites! Have a nice day!