xxHopelessDesire (Wallpaper Portfolio) Don't Lose Hope

Don't Lose Hope
1024x768 | 800x600

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I'm back...kind of..but better news, I came back with a wallpaper? I'm not sure if any of you are fans of my wallpapers but oh well..you can deal with my ugly wallpapers =P. Anyway..I had this PNG saved on my computer from awhile ago, I extracted it and just left it there with another extracted image. I'll make another wallpaper with the other image later but for now I'm posting this one up. The story behind this wallpaper? Well lets see..it was a bit frustrating actually I kept on switching between the two images to see which one to make the wallpaper out of first, the thing was I had no idea what to do for them. I ended up doing 'eenie meanie minee moe' (sp?) and guess turned out with this image. Still I had no idea what to do, all I knew was I wanted this wallpaper to be..green :P. So I messed with the gradient tool and covered the backround with green and I started from there and finished the backround. Made a few more layers and put brushes on with different hints of green..thats why it looks a bit foggy? At first, I hated it because I thought it looked empty so I created different angles of the girl and cropped out the pirctures..making each a different transparency and color..added a border and a brush behind the four pictures to connect them. Now that I keep staring at it I don't think its that bad, right?

Note that the 1280 x 1024 is the best one to download..and if your screen resolution isn't that big..download that version anyway and resize it to 1024 x 819 and it'll look much better.

Ugh, I think I just lost my inspiration/ideas to make wallpapers anymore, and the fact that I've been swamped with work. My Otaku site might go on a temporary haitus so I probably won't have time to read any of your posts and comment, or even write a post myself. Feel free to PM me and I'll try to talk to you there, please don't take it personally..I would love to talk to all of you but I've just been..busy..and dead basically. Enough of me..I hope you enjoy this wallpaper and enjoy this weekend!

Until next time,
- - xxHopelessDesire

Shining Wind Wallpapers
girl, green, hope, xxhd
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