I was at a retreat this past weekend and it opened me up a lot! ^^ It was a confirmation retreat so yeah :3 It was fun and I also got to draw a little bit anyway xD I kind of spent some time for the Lost in the Sky wallie, so that'll come up later in the week... I hope.This wallie goes out to all V-day couples and even singles-- T^T, that they may find happiness with their love or find soulmates in the future ~
EDIT: Oh, of course, the drawing is mine and the wallpaper is mine =D The brushes are not xP but still! NO STEALING or your @$$ will be mine like a cat stalks its prey at night *DDDD ready to pounce on its enemy behind it!!! D<
Done in PS 7 and I don't remember how many hours I spent on it.. probably more than 10 hours.