sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) An Ancient Story Of Friendship

An Ancient Story Of Friendship
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Here's part 2 of the dark Sola series :3 It's Aono this time.
First of all, I think it's best that you view the wide screen version (1920x1200), it's the basic one. The others are cut off and don't show the background as much as that one does.

I have a lot of Sola scans in my computer and no time to wall them! For this wall, I chose this scan, mainly because it's easy to extract I wasn't in the mood to waste half an hour to extract the base image. After extracting the image, I applied the same procedure as on my Matsuri wall: duplicate the Aono layer, blurred the copy, set the copy to Multiply, duplicated the copy and moved the copy's duplicate under Aono. And as a little hit concerning my method, I usually set the Opacity and Fill values to 60%. That way, the patterns are slightly visible, not too strong and create a nice impression.

Another difficult thing is blending the character in with the background. The background got the same blur treatment as Aono did and I ended up with this, after adding about 15 layers of different textures and gradients. In the end, I guess this wallpaper is made up of numerous small details. For example, I used a gradient on Screen blending mode, 60% Opacity and Fill and deleted some parts with a soft brush with about 30% opacity. Sounds awfully complicated, doesn't it? o_O" It's really not, it's all in the eye. That's what helps me decide whether I like something or not.

And last but not least, the wallpaper's name is very long. That's what Sola's about, if we dissect it and strip it of the side elements. Those who have seen it should know the relationship between Aono and the cave, but for the others, let's just say that a crucial event happens to Aono in a cave.
Now for the credits:
Image: Minitokyo.net
Sola is (C) Naru Nanao
Stock image: Stock Vault
Textures: default ones
Gradients: one default, others made by me
Please spare a moment to write a comment, I would really appreciate it You know how I love feedback! Thank you if you fav/comment, hope you like this wall and help me improve on my future ones!

Sola Wallpapers
aono, betrayal, cave, forest, friendship, grunge, love, naa, naru nano, sola, story
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