Dedicating this wallpaper to Sangome Wilder, because I'm always seeing you use Ace Attorney avatars... ;)
Anyways, I don't actually own the games, I've got played them before. My friend has a DS so that's how I got to know the characters. I don't know why I suddenly made a wallpaper though. But I really, really like how this one turned out. I was expecting the colors to blend so well together.
For this one I also took the time to search for a font that the word "OBJECTION" would look more appropriate in. The font I used is called telegrameph, or something like that.. Basically it means telegram. Hah. But I think it looks pretty good! :D
This one took me a little longer because of all the layering and the search for the right font... I'm guessing like two hours. I'm crazy! But I love making stuff like this. :) Let me know what you guys think!