I am currently infatuated with Grimmjow beyond belief right now.. I had to make a wallpaper. It was bound to happen some time this weekend. :3
I found some awesome Grimmjow screenshots; I'll probably end up making more wallpapers soon. I love how well the text fits in with the picture. I wasn't expecting that. I was actually afraid the text was going to make it look horrible.
I used like.. 10 layers in this wallpaper. First I merged about 6 layers together, and then I added more detail to make it look almost antique. Pretty sweet. :3 And I put the text on last. Font used was Cat Woman, Catwomen, and Bleach. Yes.. Cat Woman and Catwomen are two different fonts. Cat Woman is the one I used for the larger text [AKA his name]. Catwomen is the font I used for 'Cat Scratch Fever'.
Time, eh... About 45 minutes. Not too bad. I like it though. :3 Tell me what you guys think!
Alla's Quote: Glam Rock Hair!!