Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) A Rose Revolution.

A Rose Revolution.
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Phew. That was exhausting. Finally, another wallpaper from me. It's been long enough! Going over a week without submitting is horribly long by my standards. ^^; I've been super busy with school [darn you final papers], and I was working on another wallpaper...a City Hunter one that I gave up on. So, it was time to start working on something else, and what else?? A vector. -__- Wrong choice! This took me very long [10 days of work on and off], and it's only my 5th vector. I'd say it's much better than my previous ones though. I used my scan of my Utena piano book for it. I submitted the vector stand-alone on AP as well, so feel free to look at it when it's also probably looks better than my wallpaper. *sigh*

So the majority of the work time came from my vector. That was over 15 hours of my precious time. Then I took an extra 1 or more to do the wallpaper. I shrank my vector and put Utena in the middle, then I put in another one in the background, set on lighten. Then I found a rose PNG at, and I duplicated it several times, changed the colors, and overlayed them. I overlayed a gradient on Utena as well as that marble-looking PS texture everywhere. Then the text...I wrote the title in the 3 languages, French, English, and Japanese...and copied/pasted it many times, set it on overlay. I also put in the title of my wallpaper mixed in with that text, as well as the title of my vector, "Rose in Bloom." So it's like "where's Waldo"...mixed in with the other text...

Then the title. I'm not happy with how it looks. -__- Sorry. If you have any suggestions, please tell me, and I'll be happy to change it if you see that fit! I realize this wallpaper looks quite simple compared to most, or at least most of my other wallpapers, but I didn't want to take away from my vector's hard work. :( I seriously hope it looks ok. I'm worried that all of this will be for nothing. I appreciate comments, but please make them constructive. I'm tired of hearing complaints without helpful insight...

Enjoy. Thanks for looking.

Revolutionary Girl Utena Wallpapers
girl, pink, red, revolution, rose, text, utena
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