Alchemic Mushroom (Wallpaper Portfolio) Кавалер Le Д'еон

Кавалер Le Д'еон
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the song on the wally is 'rain' by origa, one of my least favorites from her. its in its russian translation because i got lazy, so sorry.

this took me awhile, alot of work indeed. first i had to find a picture of lia, which i did with photobucket, in lolita searches. it was a picture from the manga, i took it and with a cheap image editor, i increased its exposure, multiplied its contrast by 2. then, with the advanced editor, i lithorized the image, giving it the look of a bitman image, and with paintshop, i colored it in. this was the most simple yet time consuming part of the task. made sure to color ever nook and cranny of the picture.

after that, i searched a background image up from photobucket, put it on a seperate page, then pasted lia on to it, with a transperant background of course. there realy wasnt much of her so i had to draw some of the picture. i smoothed out her hair, nose, and eyes; found some flowers, added a song, then back to the editor. so that the background wasnt effected by the editing, i cut lia back out, and pasted her onto a different page. in the editor, i blurred the image so that its bitman image look had faded. i pasted her back on and the wallpaper was finished!

truthfully, im not realy sure if this is lia de beaumont from le chevalier deon or not. all it was called was 'gothic lolita anime girl' or something like that, and in black and white. it could be any one, i just colored it.

Le Chevalier D'Eon Wallpapers
le chevalier deon, lia, lolita, origa, pink, rain, roses
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