LystikinenaXP (Wallpaper Portfolio) My friend

My friend
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Arigato minna for all the comments on my previous wallpaper I didn't know so many of you liked it that much =^^=. I'll keep doing quality wallpapers for you all ^^. And now, I give you my newest one called "My friend, unlike my dreams, you will never be forgotten" =]. It's Michiru and Minagi from AIR. I've had the scan of them laying around for quite sometime and I've never really gotten around to it because I had to extract it ^^; yeah I'm a bum for extracting, I just don't have that long time to extract an image. Good thing this one didn't took that long to clean up since the background it had was light.

So anyways, I used a stock photo I also found laying around in my picture folder for a while now and decided to use it. I tried to make the BG have that anime-ish look, but I guess it doesn't look much like it. I blured it alot to make the girls the main focus. So, I just tried blending Michiru and Minagi more to match the realistic background. Made them bolder and darker by duplicating the image and set it to Color dodge. We can't forget the sparkles! XD I just like to add a little to give that end-touch to it :3. It's like my "salt & pepper" spice XD. Font is nothing special, just placed it where I found convenient.

Sorry I didn't count the time, but I know this took a long time with the tyring to make the BG look anime-ish an whatnot ^^;

Enjoy, and hope you all like this

» Dedicated to Cyn (Nigsea)
» Added to the NAA gallery

Thanks minna!

Air Wallpapers
air, cute, friend, friendship, girls, hug, landscape, lys, michiru, minagi, mountains, naa, sky
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