KCHuang (Wallpaper Portfolio) Times Long Lost

Times Long Lost
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Well, the idea behind this wall is that, they were living during the war, so...good times long gone.
I saw this scene on the latest episode of Naruto and just sat right up. If you saw it, I bet you did the exact same thing. And if you say you didn't, well, YOU ARE LYING. Or an alien.

Seriously though, this is the first picture of Kakashi Gaiden to ever show up in the anime. It gets you thinking...when will they animate it? Will they ever animate it? They'd better animate it or have every Kakashi, Obito, Yondaime, and Rin fangirl/boy on their front porch with pitchforks and torches.

Believe it or not, this wall had quite a bit of work put into it. I had to go through all of Kakashi Gaiden 3 times before deciding on the pictures, and each time a little bit of my soul died. (Gaiden has that effect on me.)

Then came the editing of the scans. And let me tell you, in all of Kakashi Gaiden there is not one good picture of Yondaime looking depressed, standing up, or not in some sort of action scene. The lower half of his body and most of his face was drawn in by me. Hopefully I copied Kishimoto-sama's style okay.

And sorry that Rin is such bad quality, it was the best I could find and by then I had run out of patience with vectoring.
Kakashi looks too old in the sreencap. Anyone else agree?

Naruto Wallpapers
gaiden, hatake, kakashi, kchuang, naruto, obito, rin, uchiha, yondaime
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