sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Sun Sets

The Sun Sets
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Widescreen version highly recommended! It looks best.
Lalala, guess who's back from the dark pit of despair that is the waller/s block? And who else could save her than GuoGuo? I love this artist. I hunted for each and every picture of his/hers on both Minitokyo and Animepaper and got as many as I could. A few days ago I was sorting out folders, when I stumbled upon this beautiful image. My eyes instantly lit up and I knew I HAD to do something with it +_+

I'm not really addicted to painting, I'm more of a vectoring addict. However, I couldn't vector this scan because:
1) It's too pretty to ruin.
2) It's too soft to vector.
3) It looks fine the way it is.
Concerning the technical details, I used the Clone Tool a lot, the Sumdge one a it to make the clouds look different from one another and the Brush to correct some mistakes here and there. I wanted to focus on the character more, so I darkened the right part of her face with the Burn Tool and brightened her left eye so as to give her a mysterious look (right & left are from her point of view).

I always thought the dual look of clouds (dark clouds against a light-colored sky or vice versa, sometimes look like the sky is the clouds and the other way around @_@ Hope you got what I'm saying, I don't know how to explain it better than that), so I tried to achieve that effect here. The clouds were more visible in the version with no textures, they kind of got covered up ._. But it's better this way, it wasn't pretty at all without textures!

Textures: Dioma & Desktop Anime
Scan: Xixiang Ji 28 by Morphee
Art (C) GuoGuo
My other GuoGuo wallpapers...

Comments/favs/hugs are very welcome and appreciated :3
P.S. If anyone is interested in a collab, feel free to PM me ^^
*clicks on Share Masterpiece button and feels proud :3*

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
clouds, flowers, garden, girl, guoguo, kimono, painted, sunset
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