sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) Discover

1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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As much as I like the 1600 x 1200 version, the wide screen one is superior. For the 1600 version, I had to cut off a part of the wallpaper and some of the beautiful seascape isn't shown.

It rained 2 times today and has been quite cold for July, so I was inspired to make this wall. I remembered the scan after seeing Kelsey's e-card; now I don't want people to think I ripped the idea or anything, think of it as a...set! And this is the very lovely image she scanned (thanks a lot! ^__^): Underwater.

What I did was combine textures and a lot of different layer blending modes. I used the Gaussian Blur with a radius of 10 a few times and the Sharpen filter to make the image look more clear. I wanted it to look mysterious and slightly dangerous, so I made it darker with some layers on Linear Light (I don't use that filter too often, I use Soft Light and Overlay).

A fun part was the lantern fish and the boy. After using a soft brush with a diameter of 400 something, I set it to Soft Light, then took the Burn and Dodge Tools and played with the shadows on the boy's face and arm, to make them more contrasting, compared to everything around.

Let's not forget the bubbles! There were none in the scan and I added a lot. If you look at the right side, you'll see more there than in the rest of the wallpaper, since there's a school of fish there. And fish are swimming. Swimming=moving, moving=bubbles. Simple as that :] The difference in shades of blue on the right is from me playing around with lights -sun rays hitting the water. And even though they're not too visible, I also made the ripples on the water, like he just dove in. They're there for the sake of realism, the top part didn't look too much like water in the scan.

I've started writing longer description o_o" Oh well, now you get to see what I did! Comments, hugs and favs are very appreciated! :3

Chrono Cross Wallpapers
adventure, boat, broomstick, chrono cross, deep, discovery, fish, key, light, naa, ocean, sea, treasure
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