Title: Gifts For You
Series: Prince of Tennis
Features: Ryoma Echizen, Shuichiro Oishi, Kunimitsu Tezuka, Takashi Kawamura, Shusuke Fuji, Eiji Kikumaru, Sadaharu Inui, Takeshi Momoshiro, Kaoru Kaido
My Comment: Well...this wallpaper took a while. I had to cut out each dude individually and let me tell ya, it wasn't easy x_x But I managed and finally got them all cut out. Once I finished that, I threw them together, had to do some reorganizing, and then "decorated" the wallpaper.
The wallpaper is name "Gifts For You" because 1. they all have a gift for someone and 2. only one gift has words on it and it happens to say "For You" THUS I named it Gifts For You. Ryoma, being the star, is bigger than the rest. Anyone know why? Simple. I needed to fill up space. ^-^ And I like him the best. I almost forgot to put Kaoru Kaido in o.o And the place he was in was all open and I didn't know what to do. BUT! I realized he was missin' so I threw him in the open space and completed the lovely background. Hope everyone likes~! The individual wallpapers are next! ^-^
[Original Scans (c) Minitokyo]