innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Heartfelt Innocence

Heartfelt Innocence
1024x768 | 800x600

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Well I must say that I am pretty proud of this one^^ It took me a while to make it and I had to fix it a lot, but I think it turned out pretty good. I brightened the png and the background and also added the sparkles to it. Also the gradient flare. As you might have noticed it is titled "Heartfelt Innocence", as the name of my World. XD Heartfelt means to keep something close to your heart, so I keep innocence close to my heart and I believe that Misuzu does as well so I wanted to add it in there. =] And of course sunflowers are the best! XD

The png of Misuzu is from aethereality.

This is dedicated to my very dear Sayura, aragorn1014. I know you said you were feeling better from your post but I hope this makes you a little bit happier as well^^ I wanted to make something happy and cheerful for you so I thought sunflowers were the best! XD I really hope you like it. Thank you for everything, you are a very sweet friend! =] *huge hug and hands you a flower*

Thank you so much for viewing my wallpaper^^ Have a great day! ^_^

My next wallpaper, as the suggestion of Driffter, I'm going to make bigger as well^^ Wish me luck! XD

Air Wallpapers
air, cute, innocent, misuzu, sunflower
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