Title: Endless Drifting [Dark]
Series: Candidate for Goddess
Character: Teela Zain Elmes [First]
My Comment: Well...funny thing is..this wallpaper originally started out as a One Piece wallpaper featuring Captain Smoker...But...one thing led to another and out came a Candidate Goddess wallpaper. YAY! This is my first making one for this series, but I do just ADORE it. I really wish it had gone farther...there was so much left unsaid and so much that coulda been added....*sigh* But alas...it wasn't meant to be...
This wallpaper is the "Dark" Version. At the end of making the wallpaper, I had a difficult time deciding which "coloring" I'd go with. There was this one, the darker and kinda more realistic of the two. And there was the "Light" Version which is obviously gonna be lighter. In the end, I cut three down to those two. Because they're so different in shading at least, I thought I'd share both with everyone.
Because this series isn't very popular, as far as I've seen, I hope those who do like and love the series appreciates this wallpaper.
Vector by Lunariha
BEST VIEWING [1600x1200]