riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Never Giving Up

Never Giving Up
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Title: Never Giving Up
Series: Gakuen Alice [Alice Academy]
Character: Mikan
My Comment: I've only read the manga for this series so far, but it's just so cute and it reminds me of Kodocha. xD So I was going through PNGs I had and stuff, and found this one. I worked with it and the background a little, making it darker and stuff but standing out too. But then I realized Mikan mixed TOO well with the background x_x So to change that, I soft focused her, to give her a glow and make the layers below her's darker but still view-able.

I named this Never Giving Up for a few reasons. First, in the series, Mikan never gives up. She continues to follow her best friend and does what she believes is right. Secondly, in the background some of the words and stuff deal with a confession of some sort, most likely love. I thought it was a cool idea to throw those back there and then say that although it doesn't look like it's going her way, she looks like she's not giving up. Thirdly, it's the title that makes the wallpaper make sense. Without it, the wallpaper doesn't work in a way. Without the title, the background is too "dark and depressing" while the main character is too "happy and cheerful" thus making the title the key to them both and understanding. Hope everyone likes.

Gakuen Alice Wallpapers
academy, alice, alice academy, gakuen, mikan
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