Dementia (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Jabberwock

The Jabberwock
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Happy Halloween

I really wanted to do something from American Mcgees Alice . The game came out a long time ago, but is still a cult fav. Someone from dark walls(minitokyo) came up with a idea about taking cute characters and making them disturbing. I thought that was a great idea. I used the picture from Host club, I have no idea what the anime is about I have never watched it, I just know it is a cute happy anime. I wanted to vector the twins as well, but did not have enough time.
About the wall. everything is vectored expect the clocks. I free handed the bottle and bowl. The door mouse came from Angel Sanctuary, the rabbit from a manga scan, and the skulls from stocks, and the bleeding cup came from a scan from Neuro. I kept changing so many things. I thought one thing would work and then it did not. I am glad that the focus things I wanted to use still worked though. There is not much to say expect I hope everything works well, since this was such a pain.
In case anyone is wondering the title is from the poem the Jabberwocky, from Alice Through the Looking Glass. Disturbing poem for a disturbing wall.

Credit where credit is due
I am not posting links because it would be to many
eye cup from Neuro
door mouse from Angel Sanctuary
bunny from a random manga scan
hatter from Host club
clock stocks and textures from
painfully vectored in Paint shop Pro

Ouran High School Host Club Wallpapers
alice in wonderland, blood, dark, ouran high school host club, vector
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