deathsseraphim (Wallpaper Portfolio) Chained Butterfly Wallpaper

Chained Butterfly Wallpaper
1024x768 | 800x600

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i used a 1 to 3 pixel brush to edit most of the scan as it had alot of small details in it, doing this took alot of time and effort but i feel the wallpaper is all the better for it. her curls took the most time and yes i know shes hovering in mid air, i like it that way ok. i ended up doing alot of guessing as far as how things were shaped and such because there were alot of dark colors in the original background as well as in the details i had to cut around. i tried to make it look decent enough to look good on my background, i think it turned out pretty good. the wings are meant to be somewhat pixalated i guess is the right word because i wanted them to look dusted like butterfly and moth wings are in general. as far as his hand goes it like that in the original scan so i did not touch it. in other words don't blame me if you don't like that part of this wallpaper. my backgrounds and foreground were about 21 layers with some merging down involved. it took more time to make than some of my previous wallpapers for reasons i stated earlier in this post as well as editing and ect. about 9 hours total give or take having to stop and start about 3 time for various reasons such as making and canning homemade salsa, making homemade carmel, and making and eating dinner all of which my mother made me do. plus havingto do stuff online for my sister over the phone as my sister has no internet right now and i have to do all the crap she usually does. can anyone guess why i'm annoyed right now.

the poem or rather piece of poem on this wallpaper was written by my dear friend melodysnow and used with her full permission. a brush set called stars and glitter was used to make the poem look dither or dissolve. some brushes used were made by and/or i would like to give credit to the site i found it on a few months back for the base red background that i started out with and built upon but it seems to be a dead site now.

image from: shadow hearts game
scan used:
butterfly scan from Paraphrase manga:

Shadow Hearts Wallpapers
butterfly, chained, game, shadow hearts, wallpaper
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