a simple looking wallpaper that was not the simple to make. the basic background is a piece of a wall i made myself a while back for another wallpaper. the bullets on the ground took the longest as i placed and cut each one separately. the image of the guy i used is from a game called Subarashiki Kono Sekai Or The World Ends with You. again lots of layers and TONS of time [30+ hours]. my third larger wallpaper.
1024 by 768 Version: http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2172/shootumupoutdoorcafewalxc0.jpg
Floor Layer: Superior-Stock http://superior-stock.deviantart.com/
Floor Textures: onecoldcanadian http://onecoldcanadian.deviantart.com/
Basic Wall: ME
Tea Cup: stickythestock http://stickythestock.deviantart.com/
Wall Layer: emmil http://emmil.deviantart.com/
Wall Layer: Insan-Stock http://insan-stock.deviantart.com/
Furniture Pieces: unholy-stock http://unholy-stock.deviantart.com/ &
Bullets Original Artist: Mimura Kaoru