Sorry it took forever, Icchan!!! ;__; And I know it's horrible. You're probably like WTF are they doing at a disco??? Good question. It was the first thing I could think of. Luna looked like she was, you know, getting close to Rosso to do some DANCING!! *laugh* Or something along those lines. ^^; Plus, they always reminded me of KoF or Street Fighter...or Tekken characters, so I could imagine there being a disco level. Fair enough?
So yeah, this wallpaper is of ichitaka05's original characters Luna & Rosso [his original fanart there]. he wanted me to make a wall of them from that pic, so I did. I took inspiration from his bg for the colors, and like I said...a disco just came to mind. ^^; So I found a photo of one (mostly of the disco ball) on dA. Then I did a lot as far as lighting and colors go. I also made the floor with that custom shape tool. I also added the light streaks...and text...etc. XD Took about 2 hours or so? Not sure. I think it's cool, but at the same time, I don't think it's my best. Sorry! :( Oh yeah, added textures, too, of course. I hope you like it~