^_^ Hello there Everyone! Well this wallpaper took me a little over an hour or so. I added two different textures to it and added the music note brushes and the splatter dot brushes. This was such a fun wallpaper to make though, I really loved making it^^ And my favorite part about it would probably have to be the rainbowy texture I added, it just gives the wallpaper more creative and color I think. ^_^
- The art is by Closet-Child ♥ from anime artbooks (I forgot to add that in the wallpaper. XD)
Dedicated to Ichi-Chan, IchigoShirayuki. Thank you for always leaving comments and supporting my works! You're a very sweet friend^^ *hugs* Keep up the amazing work on your wallpapers! ^_^ I love them! *hugs*
Thank you for viewing! I hope you have a great day! ^_^ Take care!