filo05 (Wallpaper Portfolio) Gears of war... in the sky

Gears of war... in the sky
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Hi everybody! happy new year to all! yeah... I know it's a bit too late, but I was trapped for 2 f***ing weeks in the montain *sigh* T_T for some reason my family wanted to go, so I passed without comp, tv, COMMUNICATION WITH THE WORLD!.... it was fun, but it was too much OX
So. here's my new wallie xD *throws confetti everywhere* and yes there's no vector this time, now I need to do one, I'm still addicted to them lol anyways, this is a request from a friend of mine, I was searching for a scan and he saw it and fell in love with it haha so this is for him^^
I was going to make a vector, but the quality of the scan was so good that I didn't want to ruin it, so I just cleaned a little and added some details like the hair and changed a little her eyes and some blood.
The background took me a while, first because I'm still not used to the tablet and second because I drew it 3 times o_0 first one with a city (closer), second with just clouds (I'm completely useless drawing clouds from above...) and the actual one :) I was going to make the top of the buildings but I didn't look good ~_~ so I just added some little lights of the cars and some clouds, a few are darker because of the heigh. I guess that's all, I hope you all like it! if you have any sugestion just tell me^^
Time:about 3 h :

Burst Angel Wallpapers
bakuretsu tenshi, beautiful, girl, sky
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