sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) My Place

My Place
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Reviving the Kaleido Star category
Of course, the dual screen version is the best, so I highly recommend it.
First of all, it's great to be on a hiatus. I really needed a month's rest and I'm happy I took some time off from vectoring and walling, only making a few avatars and digital stamps once in a while.

Back to the wallpaper itself: today, I was sorting out my files and came across this unfinished project. It had been there since May '08, according to the file properties, and since then I just kept looking at it and "shoving" it back. Today, I finally found the motivation to finish it, as well as the inspiration. I haven't used any filters in wallpapers for a long time (aside from some small, unimportant blurring), so this was a change too.

At first, I painted Layla and the rock she's sitting on. My original idea was to have her on a field, with some trees and hills around, a comet on the sky (small though, not like the bright, shiny ones in 'magical' wallpapers) and the moon. Then I painted and smudged the grass in the foreground, without using any grass brushes. That's right, the grass is completely hand-made :) I copied the layers and mixed them to get more layers of grass. If you can't tell, there's also vegetation in the line of the horizon.

Also, if you're wondering about the lighting, the moon is supposed to be above Layla; I tried to put it on the sky but it just looked ugly and unnecessary, so I took it out.
I hope you like this, I felt I needed to make a starry wallpaper to avoid monotony. I think I'll get back to vectoring a few days after this, I need another break after working on this ^_^" Comments and favorites are welcome and very appreciated <3

Other details:
Easiest part: the water
Hardest part: blending the star field with everything else
Most fun part: the star field
Small details: reflections of stars on the water
Layers: 148 (most of them are background layers)
PSD file size: 69 MB
Background tutorial: Realistic star field by Greg Martin <33
Screenshot: click here

Kaleido Star Wallpapers
kaleido star, lake, layla, naa, night, painted, scenic, starscape
13 votes thumb
12 members Favoritefavorite
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