I choose the title "Toki Doki" / "Sometimes" because it inspired me a lot to do this wallie. "Toki Doki" reminds me that everyone waits for moments that changes one's destiny, by simple chance or meeting a new person, "toki doki" is the hope, the hidden energy everyone has inside and gives us the strength to face a new day and dream of something positive, that something magical will happen to us...
I dedicate this wallpaper to my friend omocha omocha with the message "arigato gozaimasu for helping me in everything I do!" and because it's fuul of PINK!
I hope you like it...
Quiet Noise (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Toki Doki

1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 03/04/09
- Category
- Touhou Project Wallpapers
- Tags
- doki, girl, moon, sometimes, tear, toki, touhou
- Views
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- 7 votes
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- 13 members
- Member Dedication
- omocha omocha
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