riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Dance the Dream

Dance the Dream
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Title: Dance the Dream
Series: Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Characters: Luchia and Kaito
My Comment: Well I'm a big fan of this series, anime and manga both. A long time ago I made a single wallpaper for MMPPP, but it wasn't all that grand and a little bit of a disappointment. But! I've got my skills up since then I came around to making this wallpaper. I know that it's a big faned couple and there have been lots of wallpapers out there with the two of them. I can only hope I did them justice to some extent.

When I started the background...I had no idea what I was going to do. Oh sure I knew there would be stars, a darkish off-set, and a slight night/nature kind of thing...but I had no clue where to begin. So I just started with a regular black to blue to white background and went from there. Surprisingly, I didn't do all THAT much, but the effect that resulted...well *I* like it, lol. Maybe yall will too.

As for the name...I know the dance ACTUALLY does take place (it's NOT a dream), but I felt the name appropriate because 1. Kaito hadn't been sure if it was or wasn't a dream and 2. it has a dream-like feel to the wallpaper...or at least a fantasy feel. So I felt "Dance the Dream" somewhat perfect for the wallpaper. *shrug* Hehe. Comments Welcomed.

BEST VIEWING: 1600x1200

Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch Wallpapers
couple, dance, dream, fantasy, kaito, kaitou, love, luchia, night, pink, prince, princess, stars
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