riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Seven Mermaids

Seven Mermaids
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Title: Seven Mermaids
Series: Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Characters: Princesses Luchia, Hanon, Lina (Rina), Karen, Noel, Coco, Sara
My Comment: I'm actually surprised at the outcome of this wallpaper. I took the seven different images of the princesses, I came up with their "positions" and then went from there. Luchia had to be in the center since the series BASICALLY revolves around her. Hanon and Lina had to be her right and left hands because they're her best friends, and always with her. The other four were thrown to the back...mostly because they were tall rather than wide and so the back suited them much better. Although Hanon and Lina are smaller than the rest, they aren't as transparent as the other four Mermaid Princesses. To help get a desired effect of who was important (to the series, not personally), I made sure the back was transparent enough to the background to notice, but not enough to take away from them entirely or to let them become lost in the sparkling stars.

Luchia, of course, was front and center with a soft glow around her to make her stand out. It wasn't in attempt to lessen the others, but to simply follow the series. I made sure the background was in some way a blue-ish type and went from there. I added a cloud-mist kind of effect, to blend, push, and pull the characters to and from the background. The mist-ish stuff helps to support Lina and Hanon, while blending them and the other four mermaids into and apart of the background. Only Luchia lacks the mist, where it stays firmly behind her but giving her also a soft cushion.

No clue what has gotten into me lately with these MMPPP wallpapers, but I'm glad. I like the anime and manga and I feel some satisfaction from the turnout of the wallpapers. Hope everyone else enjoys as well.


Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch Wallpapers
7, blue, coco, green, hanon, karen, lina, luchia, mermaid, mermaids, noel, orange, pink, princess, princesses, purple, rina, sara, seven, yellow
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