I had a random idea hit me last night while I was waiting on two of my LS buddies, Benedick and Edgeblade, to get to where I was and help me with a quest. I was waiting with Diarmait, another LS friend, so they could all come and help me kill off the Dread Dragon for the end of my 2-3 Bastok Rank Mission. I was taking screens and he was posing for me. ^^ It was funny too, but that's beside the point. He is in this wallpaper, the smaller circle next to the elvaan in relic that is the bottom right corner image. Thanks to him, I got this idea and ran with it. Hence the Dark Knight and Red Mage wallpapers that are done in a similar style. Enjoy!!
ikara-o-kage (Wallpaper Portfolio)

1024x768 | 800x600
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