xxHopelessDesire (Wallpaper Portfolio) Divine Requiem

Divine Requiem
1024x768 | 800x600

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Brushes & Textures; ObsidianDawn, Colorfilter, and Karmakaze-Designs.
Image Origin; Photobucket
Time; About 3 Hours

(: I was resurrected and finally decided to get back into wallpaper making again. To be honest, I got lost as soon as I signed in here. The links were everywhere and I had no idea how to navigate the site. But I got the hang of it.

First, I deleted all my old wallpapers that I didn't want anymore. It was nice seeing how much I grew and looking back and saying "Wow, I made that?"

Now I will explain why I was gone for so long. Skip if you do not want to hear my rambling. I understand.
Well, I kinda got sucked into icon and banner making, and skin designing and coding. I'll post the icons up on TheOtaku if you would like to see them.

Today was the day that I decided, why not go back to wallpaper designing? The skins I made were practically wallpapers themselves and I wanted to see how much I grew since I first started.

Well, this was the result. I found the image on Photobucket and saved it, but started on the backround first. It was a simple gradient starting with black to a lighter red. The title, I had thought of as soon as I saw the image and put it at the top in the font Stencil.

Imported the image and played with the effects to get this almost faded out look. Duplicated the image and blew it up to get the strip of the image there. Then made the finishing touches with brushes and a texture!

Hope you enjoy.

oh yes, and have a great spring break! To those who are on it, like me.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
black, dark, divine requiem, red, wings, xxhd
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