MFran (Wallpaper Portfolio) Viva la Vida

Viva la Vida
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Uncreative wallpapers are uncreative wallpapers. D:

It's finally done.A painted wallpaper! At last, and I'm very proud of this. *noods*
I sort of went on 3 different phases while I was doing this wall: the first one, the vectoring, I worked pretty fast on the outlines and I made sure they looked decent before painting. The second one and maybe the longest: figuring out how to paint. Seriously. I totally forgot how to do it. I tried different things and they failed, I mean, I couldn't get the look I was aiming for. rnThen, I tried multishading, like a sort of vexel, it didn't came nice either. So, in the end, I got very frustrated and I kinda dropped the wall. I even did the Echo wallpaper in the meantime.
After that, I tried SAI (Vitaamin: I still can't use that thing ;__;) I even looked for different tutorials on the subject but they weren't useful....or I didn't read them with the enough attention. *rolls eyes*.
But then, I discovered that I really could paint and I give it a shot and I think I made it : D.

Well, it's CG....and it's Lulu...or depressed Lulu as Kitten called it xD and it's so lame that's a CG wall, but I just can't help it! I adore that scan.

I feel I should explain the title maybe...Viva la Vida as in the Coldplay song. The lyrics of that song fit so well with Lulu's story, and I'm not going to give any details since I don't want to spoil anyone. Just google the lyrics and think of it.
And it's one of my favorite songs too ;3.

Did you notice I didn't use a single texture or pattern, omg, really. This is the first non-patterned/textured wallpaper I have ever made o_o

Oh well, the scan is Here, the painted vector is at EDD

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpapers
cg, code geass, lelouch, lulu, paint, purple, vector
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