Hello my dear friends! *huggles* ^^
I'm so happy that many of you liked my "Hope Is Just Around The Corner" Wallpaper. ^^ Thankyou for checking it out if you did. ^^ You are very kind. Now as for this wallpaper...
This PNG of Ino has been lying on my computer ever since last month. XP I haven't used this at all yet & the flowers were newly found. ^^ The flower grunge in the BG made it look like there were flowers every where but it seemed like I failed a bit T_T. I am not really not a big Ino fan eithet, no offence though. I know she likes flowers & her family owns a flower shop! x33 That's so cute! Well Ino is like a rose out of the dandelions, because of her natural beauty & well...her affection for Sasuke. ^^
This wallpaper took me two hours & this hard work is dedicated to...All My Dear Friends & Subscribers! ^^ *hugs* You are all roses out of the dandelions, because you are all kind & inspirational. ^^ Thankyou for your support everyone!
Thankyou for viewing my wallpaper! Have a nice day!
-When flowers bloom, so does hope.
Ino Yamanaka~Celestial-Star
Blue Flowers~ Link Unavaliable.
Flower Grunge~Athereality.net
Thankyou! ^^