Candiestripes (Wallpaper Portfolio) NaruSaku~Our Love Story

NaruSaku~Our Love Story
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Hai Hai everybody! *huggles & gives you all flowers*

^_^ This is my entry for Rukiallie-Chan's Challenge "Love Is All Around" And I feel so proud of it! ^^ It took me 3 weeks 0.0 What a record! xD LOL. I really worked hard on this & I think this is one of the best wallpapers I've done so far! I love the song "Love Story" By Taylor Swift! She is so awesome! *fan scream* LOL. ^^ Anyway I found a PNG of Sakura with a dress on & this idea started coming to me, so I found a PNG of Naruto, which made him look like he was looking at Sakura & was in love with her. xD Then I added the Cherry Blossom texture & added a few effects & I added the hearts & the leaves (Border) & The text & It was done in 3 WEEKS! OMG! So yes it was a long process. ^^ The title doesn't sound really appealing either. xP

I support NaruXSaku! xD I think they are meant to be & even though they don't show it they love each other! So I'm just spreading a little NaruSaku faith around the place. LOL And if you disagree with me please do not post bad comments about my faith & what I believe will happen. Thankyou!

Of course dedicated to the one & only Rukia-Chan! *huggles* & Of course all you NaruSaku fans out there! Thankyou Rukia-Chan for being a great friend! I love you to bits! You are a kind person & I think of you as an inspiration in my life! Thankyou also for inviting me to your challenge & having me have fun during these 3 weeks of hard work & dedication! ^^ And for the NaruSaku Fans! Keep on dreaming! It will happen soon! xD. Thankyou for viewing my wallpaper! May you be blessed in life!

-When flowers bloom, so does hope.



Sakura Haruno~ Link-Photobucket
Naruto Uzumaki~ Link-Photobucket


Cherry Blossom Texture~ Link-Celestial-Star


Leaf Pattern~ Link-Blinding-Light


Hearts~ Link-Unavaliable

Thankyou for your kindness!

Made By All rights reserved. (c)2009.

Naruto Wallpapers
candiestripes, challenge, cherry blossom, glow, haruno, hearts, juliet, leaves pattern, love, love is all around, love story, narusaku, naruto, romeo, rukiallie, sakura, song, story, taylor swift, texture, uzumaki, wallpaper, yes
23 votes thumb
19 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Love is All Around

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