Hai Hai everybody! *huggles & gives you all flowers*
^_^ This is my entry for Rukiallie-Chan's Challenge "Love Is All Around" And I feel so proud of it! ^^ It took me 3 weeks 0.0 What a record! xD LOL. I really worked hard on this & I think this is one of the best wallpapers I've done so far! I love the song "Love Story" By Taylor Swift! She is so awesome! *fan scream* LOL. ^^ Anyway I found a PNG of Sakura with a dress on & this idea started coming to me, so I found a PNG of Naruto, which made him look like he was looking at Sakura & was in love with her. xD Then I added the Cherry Blossom texture & added a few effects & I added the hearts & the leaves (Border) & The text & It was done in 3 WEEKS! OMG! So yes it was a long process. ^^ The title doesn't sound really appealing either. xP
I support NaruXSaku! xD I think they are meant to be & even though they don't show it they love each other! So I'm just spreading a little NaruSaku faith around the place. LOL And if you disagree with me please do not post bad comments about my faith & what I believe will happen. Thankyou!
Of course dedicated to the one & only Rukia-Chan! *huggles* & Of course all you NaruSaku fans out there! Thankyou Rukia-Chan for being a great friend! I love you to bits! You are a kind person & I think of you as an inspiration in my life! Thankyou also for inviting me to your challenge & having me have fun during these 3 weeks of hard work & dedication! ^^ And for the NaruSaku Fans! Keep on dreaming! It will happen soon! xD. Thankyou for viewing my wallpaper! May you be blessed in life!
-When flowers bloom, so does hope.
Sakura Haruno~ Link-Photobucket
Naruto Uzumaki~ Link-Photobucket
Cherry Blossom Texture~ Link-Celestial-Star
Leaf Pattern~ Link-Blinding-Light
Hearts~ Link-Unavaliable
Thankyou for your kindness!
Made By Candiestripes@theotaku.com All rights reserved. (c)2009.