xxHopelessDesire (Wallpaper Portfolio) Beautiful Decay

Beautiful Decay
1024x768 | 800x600

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Image Credit: Graceful-Lament Gallery

This is the first time I did a wallpaper based on mostly gradients, and many effects. No textures were used in the making of this wallpaper since the image itself was beautiful. I don't think I did much to the image, just fade the top, made the sparkles brighter, fixed up the image so it could be a wallpaper, and of course the text: Beautiful Decay.

If any of you would like the link to the original image: click here. I would love to see what any of you come up with.

At first, I wanted to name it: Rebirth. Since it did look like the woman displayed in the wallpaper was dead, and being reborn or transformed into a beautiful creature. But since the picture came from the album Beautiful Decay, I decided to name it after that.

I guess that's all I have to say today. School ends for me June 12, so I'll be seeing you all during the summer hopefully!

P.S. I would like to thank Kelsey for commenting every single one of my wallpapers that I have made ever since my disapperance. I appreciated it!

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
beautiful, decay, girl, lilac, rebirth, xxhd
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