Candiestripes (Wallpaper Portfolio) Clannad Beauty

Clannad Beauty
1024x768 | 800x600
1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Hi everyone! ^_^

This is my first time doing a wallpaper with so many resoulutions! xD It was fun resizing. ^^ This is for the ~Who's Your Favorite Character?~ Challenge hosted by yours truly ThousandShadowsMP. I decided to do it on my favorite characters of the anime Clannad. ^^ The one on the left is Nagisa Furuwaka. ^^ She is the main heroine of Clannad. Although she is in her third year in high school she is actually a year older. On the first day she meets a boy named Tomoya and they become good friends. She is a kind character & was kind enough to let Tomoya stay when his father had a "Falling Out" moment. Then in Clannad After Story, they lived together & Nagisa fought against a sickness, she sucessfully gave birth to her daughter Ushio & died afterwards.

The girl on the right is Kyou Fujibayashi. ^^ She is an aggresive girl but is a really good cook. She is the eldest out of her twin. She is good friends with Tomoya & is currently the Class Representative. In Clannad After Story she works as a Kindergarten teacher. ^_^

It took me about 3 hours to get this wallpaper right. ^^ I used a texture, renders & glow effects. ^_^ It was so fun to make a wallpaper using my two favorite characters from Clannad. I'd like to thank my sissy TwilightKissy for giving me inspiration to do this.

This is dedicated to ThousandShadowsMP. ^_^ Thankyou for making a cool challenge! *hugs* Best of luck with everything!

Thankyou for viewing my wallpaper everyone! Have a lovely day!


-The renders of Nagisa & Kyou are from Kuusou
-The texture is from Designs
-The rest of the magic was done by me, Candiestripes & Picasa 3 & Paint. ^_^

Thankyou for your support!

Clannad Wallpapers
anime, beauty, candiestripes, challenge, clannad, dress, fujibayashi, furuwaka, kyou, manga, nagisa, paper, pink, school dress, snow, texture, umbrella
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