It's been so long since I have made a wallpaper! After browsing scans on minitokyo, I found this scan: [url=]Subterraneans by DREAM and fell in love with it. It is not my scan, and originally belongs to Hoang Nguyen from the Memories Lost art-book.
The overall time was six or seven hours, even though it doesn't look as though I put that much work into it. Overall, I am really happy with it outcome.
INSPIRATION: I ended up writing a poem/song earlier today, and the theme from the song became the inspiration of my wallpaper. Here is an excerp of the song:
I have never seen the sky so blue
Never seen the sun without you
I hear the humming of the train,
The beating of the windowpane,
I am on a never-ending June,
And this old train that left at noon
Keeps going, keeps going
The full version can be found here: lacus @ fictionpress.
CREDITS: I used a texture from FEEL DESIGNS, and the scan belongs to Hoang N. The ocean/clouds scenary originate from a picture I took in Northern California, and everything else is hand done.
Comments/Critique loved!
- xxkurumi (battleangelkurumi @ otaku)