BattleAngelKurumi (Wallpaper Portfolio) What a Glorious Feelin'

What a Glorious Feelin'
1024x768 | 800x600

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*gigglesnort* ELITE! SANKYUU ~ (for MT)



So, I took a small break off of my fairytale series (1 of 5, next is the story of Echo + Narcissus) to work on this. After I found this [url]]Rokugatsu by KisekiAeon I really thought it was cute. I love the Mokona's (S/L). I also recently ran into this [url]]Dochan scan, and I fell in love with the Dochan artbook. However, as there wasn't a Dochan category, I decided to only use the background and improvise on the foreground. So, I ended up vectoring the background, and I painted just a little bit, and the sky, too. However, I only vectored a few of the plants. Overall, the background took somewhere inbetween ... 3 - 4 hours to vector/paint.

So, I decided to use the Mokona's scan that I loved. The vectoring of the white Mokona (S) was about 1.5 hour(s), and the vectoring of the black Mokona (L) took a bit over an hour. I improvised on some of the vectoring on the umbrella bottoms becuase I was, for some odd reason, having an insane amount of trouble with them. Patterns used retrieved [url=]here.

Because I had never done it before, I wanted to experiment with patterns. The original sky is very hard to see, because of the overlaying patterns. I used patterns on the Mokona's, the umbrellas, the foliage, and the sky in all different patterns for different levels of depth and character. I am actually pleased with the end result, despite all of the wasted space inbetween! :hmpf:

Everything besides the patterns are hand done.

Now, inspriation wise... While making this I listened to the music of the 1952 film "Singing In The Rain", which I absolutely adore. I particularly listened to (over and over again) Gene Kelly's "Singing In The Rain" and "Good Morning".

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look! Favorites + Comments loved! :nya:

- kurumi (bakurumi @ otaku)

Tsubasa Wallpapers
l, mokona, s, tsubasa
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