Candiestripes (Wallpaper Portfolio) Sunflower Sweetheart~

Sunflower Sweetheart~
1024x768 | 800x600

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This is my entry for FROSEN HEART's Personality Challenge! ^_^

Hi everyone! ^^ Thankyou for viewing this wallpaper! :D

This took me 1/2 hours to put all together. ^^ It took so long, and I am so proud. *sniff* I haven't done anything better. ^_^ You see my friend FROSEN HEART challenged me to well...her challenge xD so I had to do it. The basic plan is to make a wallpaper representing yours or someone else's personality. ^^ I asked a few friends of mine who's personality I represent. ^_^ My friend Sharni thought I represented Sasuke Uchiha's Personality (LOL) Then my friend Nat said I represented Sakura Haruno's Personality (LOL) Since I couldn't think of what to do I thought of which character acts like me, and then Misuzu came into my head. xD I am Clumsy & Pretty Childish too. ^_^ And if there is one thing I love for sure it's FLOWERS! . So I found a photo of this flower field then added a bit of brushes & effect to it so it could match with Misuzu a little, then I layered Misuzu on. ^^ I added the text & did a bit more fixing up & here's my result! xD Pretty good. LOL The only thing negative about it is that the text looks all sidey-widey :P

Well, that's my Personality. xD But there's a certain person I really want to dedicate this wallpaper to of course! ^^ None other than FROSEN HEART! ^^ She invited me to the challenge! So this is your token of appreciation from me. You made a great challenge & I just can't wait to see who wins! ^^ Good luck to everyone else entering the Personlity Challenge! I thankyou you all for being so kind!

I hope you all like it! May your days be filled with sunshine!

Much love,


~This was made on GIMP.
~I don't remember where I found the brushes..But I'll find out as soon as possible!
~The render of Misuzu is from Kuusou ^_^
~This is an entry for the Personality Challenge (By FROSEN HEART)
~This belongs to me & is my work! Please don't delete it!

Thankyou! =D

Air Wallpapers
air, anime, brushes, candiestripes, challenge, effect, flowers, frosen heart, gimp, glow, hearts, kamio, misuzu, personality, render, sunflower, sweetheart, wallpaper
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