Candiestripes (Wallpaper Portfolio) I'm No Ordinary Girl!~

I'm No Ordinary Girl!~
1024x768 | 800x600

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Happy Belated Birthday SatoHika-Channy! :3

Hi everyone!~ ^^

This wallpaper took me about 1 or so hours to finish off. I was stuck rendering & brushing. =.= But I finally managed to finish this off. I know you've all seen the background/first layer in my WORLD as the banner. ^_^ So I thought, why not use it for a different purpose? I finally got to do it when I heard from my sis TwilightKiss, that our dearest SatoshiHikariChan was celebrating her birthday on the First of August! I was so ashamed that I should have known. So I quickly found a render then started. Then here is my result! Tada! xDD You guys like it?

This is dedicated of course to SatoHika-Chan. ^^ She's been a really good friend & we've chatted alot! xD So Happy Belated Birthday dearest! May your wishes be granted & may sunshine guide you through your years! I love you alot sweetie!~ Always stay faithful, for I'll always be at your side! *hugs* Love you Runo-Channy! ;3

I hope you all like it too! Don't forget to comment!~



~The render of Amu Hinamori is found here.
~Amu Hinamori is from Shugo Chara & belongs to Peach-Pit Publishers. ^_^
~The rest of this wallpaper (except the first layer, which is copyright of it's owner) belongs to me!

Thankyou!~ Have a lovely day! :)

Shugo Chara Wallpapers
amu, amu hinamori, anime, background, candiestripes, effect, girl, glow, hinamori, no, ordinary, render, shugo chara, text, wallpaper
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