NinjaGirlSango (Wallpaper Portfolio) Clash of the Heroes

Clash of the Heroes
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Placed in "other" since ther was no crossover section for video games.
And here's another entry for the cross-dimentional battles challenge.
It's really fun. I'm surprised there aren't more entries!

I mentioned in my last one that I wanted to do another in a different style, so here it is. While I am happy with the overall composition, it's the little details I threw in there that amuse me so, like the fact that gengar doesn't have a shadow, the Pokeball in Sora's hand/on Rikku's belt, and that IS battle tower in the background.
Took me between 2-3 hours. I don't know exactly because I don't keep track of time.

Rikku's team:
+Rattata- In the games Rikku's attacks don't do much physical damage, but she's fast, which I imagined how Rattata would be.
+Marshtomp- He looked so enthusiastic and cute in that picture I thought they matched nicely.
+Sunflora- Rikku's got a pretty sunny personality, and as girly as she is probably likes flowers.
+Ponyta- Both I imagine to be pretty independent, but like horses work with their masters have the ability to work well with others as a team.
+Pidgeot- Another independent one. Being a flying type I thought of the Al-bhed airships.

Sora's team:
+Castform- I recalled how in KH2 Sora has several different forms he can change into, each with its own abilities. See the connection?
+Mightyena- When you think of loyalty, most people think of dogs. Both are loyal and brave.
+Gengar- Equivalent of anti-Sora.
+Dugtrio- I thought of this one because he's almost always with two other companions, whether it be Donald and Goofy or Riku and Kairi. 3 is a good number.
+Scyther- A bit less creative than the others, he uses a blade. Scyther has blades. Ta-da.

Crossover Video Games Wallpapers
castform, dugtrio, final fantasy, gengar, kingdom hearts, marshstomp, mightyena, pidgeot, pokemon, ponyta, rattata, rikku, scyther, sora, sunflora, sunset
26 votes thumb
17 members Favoritefavorite
phoenix509 Mollydolly94 Kailith Akeni Chan Rainbow Dragon hybriddragon798 avrilfan BabyD Dame Otaku VampireGod dakidrel MrLeitexxx AnimeOtaku89 samuraigirl122 ShingetsuHime
Member Dedication
Cross-Dimensional Poke-Battles

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