sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) Hitchin' A Ride

Hitchin' A Ride
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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The dual screen version gets special lovin'~

And that's two dual screen walls in a row! Neat, huh? :D

Textureless versions, as well as higher resolutions (2048 x 1526 and 2560 x 1600) here: Corner Of Art >> Fairy Tail.

*stretches* Ahh, feels so good to have another wallpaper out of the projects folder! I began working on this yesterday night, and I managed to finish the vector of the girl on the same night (woot, that's some achievement!). Today I worked on the background only, and blended the two together. It wasn't very difficult, actually, as I wanted it to be simple to begin with - just something not too bothersome for my eyes, when I stare at the desktop.

So, I looked through my screenshots folder and came across one from Random Curiosity: you can see it in the ED section. I don't know anything about Fairy Tail, but I liked the images, so I saved a few for later vectoring. At first, I was going to vector only the girl, but then I changed my mind because the background looked easy to do - and it was, to a certain extent. For example, I was almost done with the V-shaped birds when I realized they seemed kind of stiff, so I added some more birds (with wings that are more spread out). I hope they look more vibrant now!

Vector will be available soon, hopefully.

Other than that, comments and criticism are welcome and very appreciated! I hope you like my work~

Fairy Tail Wallpapers
clouds, lucy, lucy heartfilia, scenic, vector
13 votes thumb
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