Shinzo (Wallpaper Portfolio) Lambo the Bomber Head Calf

Lambo the Bomber Head Calf
1024x768 | 800x600

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Taken from MT:

LOL! I can't believe it! I swore I would NEVER ever vector since patience isn't my field of expertise and I'm lazy! But I can't believe LAMBO made me vector for the first time in my entire life!

Ahem...right...since this IS my first time vectoring, you can see a little bit of inconsistent lines as I didn't really use any sort of "technique" to vector. Just your basic stroke, fill, and adjusting optimization for shadows =) The thing I don't like about vectoring is that it takes A WHOLE LOT OF TIME. And I'm the sort who either sits there and finish it, or not finish it and scrape it. *sigh*

I kinda fell upon this wallpaper here while searching google for a nice cute Lambo wallpaper for my phone XD *click here*

And I found this, but because I also wanted a wide screen wallie out of it *greedy me* so I tried cropping it and sorts. Well Apparently after cropping it to wide screen 1280x800 px reso....the quality was i just vectored it!

I still can't believe Lambo made me vector for the first time in my entire life...I wanted to ATTEMPT to vector Tsuna...but after seeing that I had no patience at ALL, I decided to just scrape the thought and go with Lambo instead.

Took me a painstaking 2-3 hours? X_X Told you I was never cut out for vectoring. Beware of inconsistent lines and his weird eyes XD and this is just for fun! *though the process isn't fun at all XD*

Details [for Vector]:
Layers: 52
Time taken: Approx 2-2 1/2 hours
Easiest part: his hair! LOL
Hardest part: None
Annoying part: HIS SPOTS! OMG!
Most fun part: His hair again! XD
What kept me going: the desperation for a Lambo Handphone wallie and a desktop wide resolution wallie, and also Dive to World by Cherry Blosson XD
PSD Size: 2.1 MB

This wallie looks exactly like the wallie I got from google. I just vectored Lambo to make him nicer [although there are inconsistent lines] But I'm happy with it! =)

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Wallpapers
green, katekyo hitman reborn, lambo
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