Well its been AGES since i came back to this site and made wallpapers (sorry about that been busy much) Anyway thought I would pick up Photoshop again and see if I still got it! Well it know it doesn't look like much but I am REALLY rusty haha. Anyway I tried to keep the blood as realistic as I could, sadly I think I went a little overboard. But none the less I did one of Dark Saber all bloodied up from battle...well or in the midst of battle with that quote that I made off the top of my head. Ugh the font needs work but I'll let the people decide that haha! Anywho I could use Ideas suggestions for other works I should do! Also come to think of it I know you guys may not like the location of the little "By ProjectX" but its just to safeguard my work from being taken elsewhere and replicated and claimed as its own...if you want a copy of the wallpaper without the watermark just be sure to email me [email protected] and Ill send it to you as long as you promise to keep it strictly for personal use only D:!!
Until next time